Why getting through High School does not equal Succeeding In College


This stunning revelation was brought to me by Nick, a first semester student who was pursing a degree in Engineering.  I had the pleasure of getting to know Nick through a completely virtual summer-bridge program that was held the summer prior to his first fall of college.  Nick’s insight and dedication was inspirational; so you can imagine my surprise that when, during the last week of his first semester he shared with me one of his lasting thoughts following the near completion of his first 15 weeks of college. 


“Getting through high school does not equal succeeding in college.” 


Truly, the beauty is in the simplicity with a statement like this.  All along, we remind students that ‘things will be different in college’, but HOW will they be different.  And, more importantly, WHY ARE WE WAITING? 


I imagine that there are many students like Nick, slowly navigating the ins and outs through trial-and-error week after week until they discover a strategy that seems to work.  But how many of the students give up or give in, never to realize their long-anticipated college success.  How can we instill useable, deliverable goals while students are still in engaged in K-12 education to help ease their transition to college? 


Some colleges offer summer bridge programs…but what the Collegescape offers is not a bridge, it is more of an educational tour guide, preparing your student for the obstacles that will inadvertently appear along the way. 


Connect with us today to learn more about our unique options and how you can experience success in the post-secondary setting before you even graduate high school! 


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