Student Success Skills
One of the most important factors in becoming a successful college student is developing learning habits that will lead you to success. At Collegescape, we empower you to become a better student by showing you how to take more responsibility for your own learning.
We often find that students have a false perception of the skills needed for achieving academic success. Let’s face it, when has someone sat down with you and talked about how you “study” or how you “make” notes? Has someone told you that you need to become more organized or better manage your time? Do you understand your own learning processes?
Our Collegescape experts are aware that little time is spent on these critical skills in all aspects of formal education. We therefore provide a Current Needs Assessment of your student success skills and create an individual Best Practice Improvement Plan to set you on a path for academic success today!
Time Management
Study Habits
Reading Comprehension (Fiction & Non-Fiction)
Identifying and Utilizing Support Systems