Career Exploration
One of the most important decisions you make in your life is what career you decide to pursue. Afterall, you will spend around 16 years in education preparing for your first post-college job, but nearly 45 years working in a professional career. Thus, career exploration is one of the most important things you can do to benefit your long-term life planning. Career exploration is simply learning about what pathways exist for various occupations that fit your skill set and desires.
We often find that students enter college with very little understanding and/or hands on experience with their chosen career path. Let’s face it, listening to speakers during a Career Day Event or wanting to pursue Engineering because someone told you that you are “good” at mathematics, do not seem like very convincing arguments for pursuing a specific field of study.
Because 1 in 3 college students change majors at least once and since the average person changes careers 5 times during their working life, the goal of career exploration should not be to pigeonhole you into a singular pathway. At Collegescape, we empower you to identify and articulate your future direction by helping you research, evaluate and explore all options of the ever-changing American job market. With our support, you can actually start your career today!
Career Pathway Assessment
Resume Building
Professional Social Media Presence
Professional Communication & Marketability Skills
Job Shadowing and Internship Exploration
Citizenship and Community Engagement