Academic Preparation

One of the most alarming realities of America’s education system is that the combination of your high school diploma and your acceptance into college does not guarantee that you are prepared for the academic rigor of college courses. In fact, most institutes of higher-education are enrolling many students who are not ready for college-level work. As a result, nearly 2 in 3 college freshmen are enrolled in non-credit-bearing remedial courses in math or English, leading to a financial burden associated with increased time to graduation.

But what if you are a “good” high school student, then surely you will be a “good” college student…right? Nope, that isn’t how it works! But you scored high enough on your standardized tests and your solid high school GPA have surely set you up for success. Think again! Our Collegescape experts have time and time again barred witness to “why good students do bad in college.”


Throughout your educational journey, you have faced several transitions. The thought of transitioning from elementary school to middle school or middle school to high school might have felt scary and at times maybe even overwhelming. Surely you had friends and family warn you about the difficulties of those transitions, but you most likely didn’t face too much adversity in those transitions. So, when someone says that college will be much harder than high school, it is not a surprise that most students don’t believe them and thus don’t prepare for their biggest educational transition.

In high school, 80% of learning occurs in a classroom with an instructor. In college, 80% of learning occurs on your own while only 20% of learning occurs in a classroom. Are you prepared to be that responsible for your own learning? Collegescape is prepared to provide you with an honest view of your college readiness. With the support of our advisors, you can start to build the necessary skills you need to be college-ready today!

We Provide Support With:

Assessment of Academic Readiness

College Expectations

Standardized Test Preparation

Strategic Course Selection

Generating College Essays

Forming Content Connections