
What significance does this number have?  Right now, in the midst of pandemic life, it does not mean too much…or does it? 


As a developing and young professional in higher education, it took me several years (and to be honest, two children) before I realized what this number really meant. 


One weeks’ time can be measured in 168 hours, but how do we decide where that time really goes?  Only after the past few years have I really begun to ponder how I can make this information more accessible and ‘real’ to students…and it occurred to me that how we spend our times is a direct reflection on our values…so to provide an example, as a volunteer for my daughter’s youth club board, I am showing by spending any of my time spent on it, that I value her, youth sports and the opportunity for growth and learning. If you like to socialize, then you value friendship or companionship.  If you exercise every day, you value wellness. 


Now that we are living in a social media saturated society and with each new day the TikToks and You Tubers are just increasing and our attentions are being drawn to them as well…so what, exactly are the values reflected in this viewing?  Entertainment?  Learning?  A little of both? 


People, parents and children both, spend HOUR consuming this content. 


I challenge you to monitor, even for 24 hours, how much time you are spending on these outlets, and reflect on what you are valuing. 


Time is fleeting right now, and increasing your awareness and taking action immediately, can have a positive impact on your life and on the life of those around you. To learn more about taking control of your habits and how you are spending your time, work with the Collegescape to get on track! 


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